Worn Teeth Columbia, SC

Do you have teeth that are worn, flat, or dull? Do you have a tooth or dental crown that keeps breaking over and over?

In many cases, a patient who has worn or broken teeth has an underlying occlusal problem. Malocclusion is instability in the oral system due to teeth misalignment, the Temporomandibular joint, or a combination of the two.

Dr. Trinkner is one of the few dentists in Columbia, SC who have the experience to treat problems evolving from teeth grinding, chronic tooth wear, and occlusal instability. If you have a tooth or multiple teeth that break continuously, despite repeated treatment, Dr. Trinkner will conduct an examination to look for the underlying source of the problem.

Why Do I Have Worn Teeth?

There can be several reasons why someone may have worn teeth. Some common causes include:

  • Bruxism: This is a condition characterized by teeth grinding or clenching, usually during sleep. Over time, bruxism can wear down the surfaces of the teeth.
  • Misaligned bite: If your teeth do not properly align when you bite down, it can create excessive wear on specific teeth or parts of the teeth. This can lead to bite problems and TMJ issues.
  • Acid erosion: Frequent consumption of acidic foods, beverages, or gastric acid reflux can cause the tooth enamel to erode, leading to worn teeth.
  • Age: As we age, our teeth naturally undergo some wear and tear due to years of use.
  • Tooth damage: Trauma or injury to the teeth can result in wear and visible damage.
  • Oral habits: Certain oral habits like nail biting, chewing ice, using teeth as tools, or excessive tooth brushing with abrasive toothpaste can cause tooth wear over time.

It is important to consult with our dentists who can diagnose the specific cause of your worn teeth and provide appropriate treatment or preventive measures. We often fix bite problems or TMJ disorders using a combination of procedures to reshape the teeth and bring them into proper contact with one another.

Treatment Options for Worn & Broken Teeth

Dr. Trinkner can quickly repair worn teeth in our Columbia, SC dental office. If you have a single chipped tooth or broken tooth due to an injury or accident, contact us right away. 

The specific treatment option that we will recommend to you will depend on the severity of the damage. Here are some common treatment options for broken and worn teeth:

  • Dental bonding: In many cases, we will repair chipped or worn teeth with a composite tooth bonding technique. Bonding involves placing a special dental resin on the tooth, then sculpting it into place for an invisible restoration.
  • Dental veneers: Veneers are thin porcelain or composite resin shells that we bond to the front of the teeth to improve their look and protect the tooth structure.
  • Dental crowns: If the teeth have significant damage, our dental care team may use a dental crown to repair the tooth. Crowns are custom-made caps that cover the entire tooth to protect it and restore its look and function. They are typically used for more severely damaged teeth.

Restoring function and aesthetics to your smile will improve both your long-term dental health and your overall quality of life. A healthy smile supports your overall physical well-being in many ways.

Teeth Grinding Signs & Treatment

Millions of people clench their jaws or grind their teeth during sleep without even being aware of it. It is also common in athletes during intense play. For many, it’s a natural reaction to the onset of stress, but it can be the result of a bite imbalance.

Dr. Trinkner has extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. Addressing bruxism is important to avoid eventual damage to the teeth and gums- even tooth loss.

With a thorough examination and health history evaluation, we can identify the root cause of bruxism. This enables us to recommend a plan of treatment that can provide comfortable, lasting results and restore oral health.

The Signs and Symptoms of Bruxism

  • Frequent headaches
  • Earaches and neck pain
  • Jaw pain and tenderness
  • Worn chipped, or flat looking teeth
  • Locked jaw

There are a variety of ways to treat teeth grinding, depending on the status of dental health and the cause. The most common treatment is using a custom mouthguard. The mouthguard will prevent teeth grinding and jaw clenching, and reduce or eliminate the associated symptoms. The patient should wear a custom mouthguard at night or during stressful situations.

Dr. Trinkner may recommend restorative procedures such as dental crowns, tooth bonding, or orthodontics to realign the bite if necessary. This also repairs damage from bruxism that can compromise the integrity of all your teeth.

Request a Dental Exam Today

Give our Columbia dental office a call at 803-400-8729 to schedule a dental care exam and consultation to find the most suitable worn teeth solutions for your smile.